Canberran couple and full-time government employees Jim and Sharon May Maranan rely heavily on their staff to run their ...
On election day the Australian Electoral Commission anticipates one million voters to pass through their voting centres every ...
澳洲超市巨頭因涉嫌哄抬物價而受到審查。現在,這已成為一個選舉議題。 針對超市價格成選舉一大戰場。 Source: AAP / Joel Carrett 隨著總理艾巴尼斯和反對黨領袖達頓之間的競選愈來愈緊張,生活開支已成為重要的選舉議題。
Một cuộc thăm dò của Newspoll cho thấy mức độ ủng hộ của chính phủ đã tăng lên sau khi ngân sách liên bang được công bố.
The French far-right leader, who was found guilty of embezzlement, says her conviction is a threat to democracy.
The workers had been missing for a week before their crushed ambulance and a mass grave was discovered, says the UN ...
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Longer Achilles tendon length and stiffness play a huge role in sprint efficiency. This allows athletes to move at faster ...
Both Labor and the Coalition claim their energy transition will "reduce power prices". Here's how their energy policies stack ...
A Korean mother living alone in Osaka tells her daughter that she experienced the Jeju 4.3 uprising, how she got involved in the uprising and the reason she escaped to Japan. She returns to Jeju ...
An American travels to Bhutan in search of treasure and crosses paths with a young monk wandering the serene mountains and instructed by his teacher to make things right.