Utah State Courts
Information regarding court locations, rules, opinions, how-to guides, and additional infomation from the Utah State Courts system. ... Get a protective order or stalking injunctions for adults or children; Making a safety plan; Respond to or expunge a protective order or stalking injunction; Learn More . Access MyCase.
Summary of Civil Procedures - Utah State Courts
Within 14 days after the court's decision, the prevailing party (or the party ordered by the court) must prepare and serve upon the other parties proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and order conforming to the court's decision. Objections to the proposed documents must be filed within 7 days after service.
Application for Temporary Restraining Order - Utah State Courts
A TRO is not the same as a protective order. Some people say "restraining order" when they mean a court order that protects people in domestic violence or civil stalking cases. If you want a court order to protect you from abuse, please see the web pages on child protective orders, civil stalking injunctions, and protective orders.
Motion to Enforce Order - Utah State Courts
May 1, 2021 · Asking the court to enforce an order. This page explains how to ask the court to enforce an existing order or decree from a Utah court. This is done by filing a Motion to Enforce Order. Instructions on Opposing a Motion to Enforce Order are also available below. Before May 1, 2021, the process to enforce an order was called "Order to Show Cause."
Protective Orders - Utah State Courts
File a motion with the court to change the order. How long the order lasts. If the protective order was issued after May 5, 2021 then the civil provisions of the protective order generally last 150 days unless the court finds good cause for extending the expiration date. The criminal provisions of the protective order will typically expire ...
Motions - Utah State Courts
The order usually contains a statement of the facts that the court decides are true, a statement of the law, and the court's orders. If the judge makes a decision without a hearing or if the judge or commissioner takes the matter under advisement, they will usually decide on the motion within 60 days after the motion was submitted.
Petition for Name or Sex Change (Gender Marker Change) - Utah …
If the court signs the order granting your request, file the following with Utah Vital Records and Statistics: Order on Petition for Name or Sex Change signed by the court - you will need a certified copy of the order. There is a fee for this. Contact your court to get a certified copy. Amendment of a Record by Court Order
Self-Help Resources / Families and Children - Utah State Courts
The Online Court Assistance Program (OCAP) helps you to create forms to file with the court by answering questions in an online interview. Programs available: Domestic Relations (such as divorce, custody, and support) Enforcing Domestic Orders; Guardian and Conservatorship (for minors and adults) Protective/Stalking Orders; Garnishment
URCP Rule 7 (Rules of Civil Procedure) - Utah Courts
(7) a reply to an answer if ordered by the court. (b) Motions. A request for an order must be made by motion. The motion must be in writing unless made during a hearing or trial, must state the relief requested, and must state the grounds for the relief requested. Except for the following, a motion must be made in accordance with this rule.
URCP Rule 7B (Rules of Civil Procedure) - Utah Courts
May 1, 2023 · A separate proposed order is required only for counter motions to enforce a court order or to obtain a sanctions order for violation of an order, in which case the proposed order for the counter motion must: (1) state the title and date of entry of the order that the counter motion seeks to enforce; (2) state the relief sought in the counter ...