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1095-a reduces my refund by around $900.. why is this? - Intuit
I worked a full year and my tax return is only $1. This doens ... - Intuit
I never received my 2023 tax refund. According to the IRS ... - Intuit
Is the 1098t supposed to increase my tax refund? - Intuit
Why did my refund go down compared to last year's? - Intuit
What's the difference between TurboTax’s 5 Days Early Refund
What exactly does a 1095-a form do to your taxes? does it take
Solved: My husband owes back child support, will IRS take my
Solved: If I owe a balance from my taxes last year, will the ... - Intuit
Turbotax does not show refund amount/owed while i'm doing …