PermianMAP (Methane Analysis Project) | Home
The Permian Methane Analysis Project (PermianMAP) combined established data collection methods with state-of-the-art technologies to pinpoint, measure and report on oil and gas methane emissions in the Permian Basin.
PermianMAP (Methane Analysis Project) | Our Research
Thousands of wells cover the Permian Basin. EDF, Scientific Aviation, and university researchers are measuring methane emissions using data from satellites, helicopters, aircraft, vehicles and towers.
PermianMAP (Methane Analysis Project) | Flaring Aerial Survey …
Thousands of wells cover the Permian Basin. EDF, Scientific Aviation, and university researchers are measuring methane emissions using data from satellites, helicopters, aircraft, vehicles and towers.
Operator Performance Dashboard - PermianMAP
Data.PermianMap.org is the data platform for the PermianMap project by EDF.
Permian Methane Analysis Project
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PermianMAP Helicopter OGI Complete Dataset
Mar 8, 2022 · This dataset includes the detections of individual CH4 plumes during the Fall 2021 deployment of the GAO aircraft in the Permian Basin by CarbonMapper. Operator attribution for each plume is determined by EDF.
Flaring - PermianMAP
Data.PermianMap.org is the data platform for the PermianMap project by EDF.
Recent Downloads - PermianMAP
Data.PermianMap.org is the data platform for the PermianMap project by EDF.
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Permian Methane Analysis Project
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