Environmental Equipment News From Envirotech Online
Why economists think monitored carbon could underpin global currency. If the health of the global economy will depend on avoiding as much climate change as possible, some unconventional economists have argued that this means ditching fiat currency and resurrecting a material underpinning for money - but this time, instead of weighing gold, we'll be monitoring seq...
News - Envirotech Online
AET 28.4 Oct/Nov 2024. November 2024. Gas Detection - Go from lagging to leading: why investment in gas detection makes sense Air Monitoring - Swirl and vortex meters will aid green hydrogen production - Beyond the Stack: Emi...
We probably can’t reverse global warming, say scientists
1 day ago · All that Net Zero means is that carbon emitted matches carbon drawn down. 1. In practice, this might mean bringing annual carbon emissions exactly square with maximum annual sequestration rates, in which case we’ll not be adding any carbon to the atmosphere – but concentrations won’t decrease.
News - Envirotech Online
AET 28.4 Oct/Nov 2024. November 2024. Gas Detection - Go from lagging to leading: why investment in gas detection makes sense Air Monitoring - Swirl and vortex meters will aid green hydrogen production - Beyond the Stack: Emi...
Canadian wildfires created disruptive ice clouds in Arctic, say ...
Jan 30, 2025 · A recent study conducted by researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), part of the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), has provided fresh insights into how aerosols from Canadian wildfires in the summer of 2023 played a crucial role in the formation of ice clouds over the Arctic.
Carbon capture relies on accurate greenhouse gas monitoring
4 days ago · As the world urgently seeks ways to decarbonise, James Clements from Signal Group explains how gas analysis will perform a vital role – particularly in carbon capture, and not just for CO 2 but for all of the important greenhouse gases.. The climate crisis is forcing nations to urgently find ways to lower their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and carbon capture is likely to be one of the key ...
Buyers Guide - Envirotech Online
AET 28.4 Oct/Nov 2024. November 2024. Gas Detection - Go from lagging to leading: why investment in gas detection makes sense Air Monitoring - Swirl and vortex meters will aid green hydrogen production - Beyond the Stack: Emi...
LA wildfires: what pollution can we expect? Envirotech Online
Jan 30, 2025 · Beyond the immediate destruction caused by California's latest wildfires, they released a whole lot of medium- and long-term pollution into the environment, contributing to climate change and harming health. The recent Los Angeles wildfires have already ranked among the most destructive in ...
What is Environmental Technology? - Envirotech Online
Current estimates suggest that there are 7 billion people sharing the planet with the natural world, competing for space and resources. Attempts to curb the negative impacts that humanity has on the natural world and the global environment puts serious issues like climate change high on the political agenda for many governments around the world.
Advanced gas detection technology will be instrumental to getting ...
Rising methane levels risk turning back the clock on the environment. According to data published by the Global Carbon Project in its Global Methane Budget 2024, methane concentrations in the atmosphere are at the highest point on record for at least 800,000 years.[1]